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Our 2021 charity is Nigerian Village Empowerment. NVE’s objective is to help the people of Alumaku (a small Nigerian village) help themselves by funding seed projects with small amounts of money to help start small businesses that can provide jobs as well as providing products and services needed by the community. TMJ Software’s owner in on the Board of Directors of NVE.

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Nigerian Village Empowerment (NVE) is a 501 (c) 3 charitable organization founded in 2019 to provide assistance to a small village, Alumaku, in southwestern Nigeria. NVE’s objective is to help the people of Alumaku help themselves by funding seed projects with small amounts of money to help start small businesses that can provide jobs as well as products and services needed by the community.

TMJ Software’s owner, James Todd, is on the Board of Directors of this charity. Unlike many organizations where a significant percentage of donations are used for overhead, 100% of your donation will go directly to our work in Alumaku. No one in our organization draws a salary and what little operational cost we have are paid for by a generous donor.

To learn more please go to the NVE website. www.NVEFUND.org

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